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How to use our press on nails?




How to Apply

Press on Nails

What You'll Need (in the kit):


Press-on nails

Cuticle pusher 

Nail file

Nail glue or adhesive tabs 

Alcohol wipe


Step-by-Step Instructions:


  • Prepare Your Nails: Start by ensuring your natural nails are clean, dry, and free from any oil or old nail polish.

  •  Push Back Cuticles: Use a cuticle pusher to gently push back your cuticles. This will help create a clean nail bed for better adhesion.

  •  File and Shape: If necessary, use a nail file to shape your natural nails to fit the press-on nails better. 

  • Select the Correct Size: Sort the press-on nails according to size to find the best match for each of your natural nails. Lay them out in the order of application.

  • Apply Nail Glue: For longer wear (up to 2 weeks) your press-on nails require nail glue, apply a small amount of glue on the back of the press-on nail. For the strongest bond we actually recommend combining both the adhesive tabs on your nail plus liquid glue on the press on.

  • Apply adhesive tabs: For shorter term wear use adhesive tabs. Peel the adhesive tabs from the backing and choose the correct size tab for each nail. Apply each tab on your nail bed close to the cuticle line. Be sure to press down firmly then once all are applied, remove the protective film.

  • Press-On the Nails: Carefully align each press-on nail with your natural nail, starting from the cuticle and pressing down toward the tip. Apply gentle pressure to ensure the press-on nail adheres firmly.

  • Hold and Wait: Hold each press-on nail in place for 60 seconds to allow the glue and/or adhesive to set properly.

  •  Repeat for All Nails: Repeat the process for all your nails until each one is covered with the press-on nails.

  •  Final Touches: If there are any rough edges or uneven areas, use a nail file to gently smooth them out for a polished finish.

That's it! You should now have beautifully applied press-on nails. Enjoy your new set of nails without the time and hassle of traditional nail polish or salon visits!

Semi Cured Nail Wrap

Applying semi-cured gel nail wraps can be a fun and easy way to achieve stunning nail designs. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to apply them:


What You'll Need:


  • Semi-cured gel nail wraps

  • Nail file

  • Cuticle pusher

  • Alcohol wipes or nail cleanser

  • Nail Kit LED lamp

  • Scissors or nail cutter (optional for cutting)


Step-by-Step Instructions:


  • Prepare Your Nails: Start by ensuring your nails are clean, dry, and free from any old nail polish or oils. Push back your cuticles gently using a cuticle pusher and wipe with alcohol.

  • Select the Correct Size: Pick the nail wrap that matches the size of your natural nail. If you can’t find the exact size, size down as the wraps are soft and flexible allowing you to stretch them to fit.

  • Peel the Wrap: Carefully peel the nail wrap from the sheet. 

  • Apply the Wrap: Place the rounded end of the wrap near your cuticle, and gently press it onto your nail starting from the base to the tip. Smooth out any air bubbles and ensure it adheres well to the nail surface.

  • Trim Excess Wrap: If the nail wrap is longer than your nail, use scissors to trim off the excess. Be cautious not to cut too close to the nail edge.

  • Repeat for All Nails: Repeat the process on all your nails until each one is covered with the desired nail wrap.

  • ​Final Touches: Once all the wraps are applied, inspect each nail to ensure they are well adhered and free from air bubbles. 

  •  Curing: Semi-cured gel nail wraps require curing under a UV or LED lamp. Hold your nails under the lamp for 60-120 seconds. This can be done one hand at a time. 

  • File the Edges: Use a nail file to smooth the edges and remove any excess wrap around the nail tip. This will help achieve a neat and polished look.

  • Optional Extra: For an extra shine and longer lasting nails, apply one coat of gel top coat and cure for another 60 seconds. 

That's it! You should now have beautiful nails. Enjoy your stylish and long-lasting nail 

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